
Try to claim as many CONNNECTs as you can, gain more points, and win the game!
Try to claim as many CONNNECTs as you can, gain more points, and win the game!
Connnect is an abstract roll-and-write game. The players try to write numbers in the right zones, and claim as many Connnects as they can to get points. Whoever do their best and get the most point win the game. The game is played over twelve rounds. Each round has three phases: Roll Phase, Fill Phase and Claim Connect Phase. Roll phase : Active Player rolls all three dice and choose one of those dice to be the Zone Die, another two dice will be called the Number Dice. Fill Phase : Each player MUST simultaneously write two numbers depicted on the Number Dice in the indicated zone from the Zone Die. Claim Connnect Phase : Players simultaneously claim “Connect 3”, “Connect 4” or “Connect 5”; draw the outline of the connected shape by using the numbers in play area in ascending order, descending order, or all same numbers. Claiming Connnects give players bonuses and points. These bonuses help player to claim the next Connnects easier or even create combos to claim multiple Connnects at a time. The more claiming Connnect, the more points and bonuses.